Saturday, April 9, 2011

Crossing into Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Pace and Porter have been steadily moving along and will be crossing into the Great Smoky Mountains National Park southern boundary on Saturday 4/9. On Friday night they stayed in Fontana, a dry town, where they feasted on BBQ ribs. Porter was hitting the salad bar for some fresh veggies, but Pace has never really met a veggie he likes so he avoided that and went straight for the ribs.

From Franklin, NC the guys have still been averaging about 15 - 20 mile days. Here are some highlights along the way.
  • 4/5 Franklin to Wayah Shelter, elevation 4,810 feet. - mile 118.7
  •  4/6 Arrived at Nantahala Outdoor Center around 11am - elevation 1723 - mile 135.00 - stayed in town.
  • 4/7 This was a tough day. It was very hot and they had a lot of  elevation loss and gain the entire day. As usual, they pushed through it and made good time to their next shelter. 
    • They went from an elevation of 1723 at Nantahala to 5062 at the top of Cheoah Bald mountain and then down to 3800 feet where they stayed at the Brown Fork Gap Shelter at mile 151.
  • 4/8 hiked to Fontana, elevation 1810, mile 162.6 (BBQ ribs and salad)
Pace in his new "house" for the night.
Pace and Porter's beds. Pace's sleeping bag is red and Porter's is green and black. Aren't they neat?

On the way to Wayah Bald
A cold and frosty morning.
Frost and ice on the trees.

A hiker's feet are very important to them and it's important that their boots are adjusted just right.

Porter adjusts his boot for comfort.
Pace had a big blister on the side of a big toe. It popped and looks pretty raw. I'd show you a picture, but it is just too gross. The good thing is that he has "magic tape" to help cover and protect it.

What is magic tape you ask? It is a medical grade tape that is thin, flexible and won't fall off if it gets wet. We all swear by it and the guys use it to cover hot spots from shoes rubbing wrong on their feet. It's called Hypafix Dressing Retention Tape and you can get it online.

Wayah Bald, Stone Tower - elevation 5342 - mile 117.8
One of the most common questions Porter had from the different classes at Schodack Central School was, "Where do you go to the bathroom?"  Well here are pictures of a privy.

Privy also known as the outhouse.

The privy seat. No running water here! Although, it does look to be handicap accessible. Interesting.

Trail Slang
 Yogi-ing is the good-natured art of "letting" food be offered cheerfully by strangers without actually asking them directly (If you ask, it's begging!).

Porter has Yogi-ing down. He scored a fresh apple! Pace, take lessons from Porter.

I have also started a Shutterfly picture album. These are pictures that Pace and Porter have uploaded for us.
PorterPace Picture Album

Keep on hiking!

Fontana, NC

Share your Adventures with SpotAdventures

Be sure to check out the Shutterfly pictures.

Meanwhile keep the messages coming. They appreciate the support and encouragement you share.

Ground Control a/k/a Dreamer


  1. Thank you Dreamer for the great work on the blog! Very impressive adventure Porter and Pace! Glad to hear you're doing so well-hope your knee isn't too troublesome. Pix and updates are so interesting. Loved hearing about Yogi-ing! Can't imagine hikers running into anyone more friendly and helpful than you-no wonder you scored an apple! Take care, Laura (K-CES)

  2. Thanks for the constant updates Dreamer! It is so cool following the blog to see how well Pace and Porter doing. They seem to be having a blast; in fact I spoke with Pace last Friday briefly.

    Give them my best and maybe if Pace is lucky he'll score a fresh apple as well...hahaha!

    Best, Mike G.

  3. It sounds as though you're doing great. Keep it up!

  4. Amazing! I check the blog every day hoping for new news! Such an inspiring trip! Keep up the great pace! We'll be seeing you home early I think - Stay well! Heather Eddings


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