Monday, June 13, 2011


Porter and Pace have been hiking Pennsylvania, affectionately known as "Rocksylvania" because of the rocky trail.

This is part of the trail they had to hike on.

Porter and Deva taking a rest.

Pace & Deva negotiate the rocky trail. Can you find the white blaze?
Now you are probably wondering who Deva is. She is a 23 year old woman that decided to take on the trail alone. After hiking with several other people, she settled in hiking with Pace and Porter. She can keep up with the "old men', as she like put it. She likes to rub it in about how old they are. I guess when you are 23 years old, 40 and 47 does sound OLD.... Of course, to people who are in elementary school, 23 sounds OLD doesn't it?

Last week when Porter was visiting me, Pace had the best trail magic and trail angels yet. His parents came to visit for the weekend.

Kip and Anita Stratton at Bass helping Pace resupply.
Pace said he had a wonderful time visiting with his folks.

Pulpit's Rock - Deva, Pace & Porter mile 1215.8 - 1600 ft elevation.

The view from Pulpit's Rock

There is a trail log book in here. Hikers should sign in as they go past.

Deva wonders which way to go. It says the AT trail goes that way, but there is a "No Trespassing" sign.  It's a dilemma.
Pennsylvania has not been a very scenic part of the trail but they still have come across some interesting things. Snakes have been seen a lot including two copperheads. They also came across a wonderful  turtle and a nest of baby birds.

Copperhead Snakes - checking them out from a distance.
A friendly Eastern Box Turtle.
Nest of baby Robins.
As usual Porter and Pace have found many trail angles and wonderful people along the way. Recently they stayed at the Blue Mountain Summit Restaurant and B&B. They asked the B&B owner if he had a special rate for thru-hikers. He said he did! It would cost more because hikers stink! Pace and Porter became fast friends with this man even though he kept threatening to throw them out of the B&B. He was kidding with them and they enjoyed his company until late that night.

Porter, Ken the B&B owner, Deva and Pace
Porter said they like to catch live music when they have a chance since there isn't much of that on the trail. They listened to Christy Jefferson that night and she played some Irish music for Porter.

Porter, Deva, Christy (singer) and Pace
On Sunday they passed through an area that had been devastated many years ago by zinc smelting. The smoke fumes killed off all the vegetation. Even today there is strong evidence of pollution from the smelting process. They had to be very careful where they got their water as some of the water supply is polluted.

Devastation from zinc smelting causing pollution in the area. It will take many more years to recover.
Where they have been this past week:
  • 6/9/11 -  Hamburg, PA - resupply - mile 1208.1 elevation 430
  • 6/10/11: Eckville Shelter - it had a shower toilets and best of delivery! mile 1223.3, elevation, 600 ft.
  • 6/11/11: Blue Mountain Summit Restaurant and B&B - clean beds, showers, and live music.
  • 6/12/11: Palmerton JAIL! - well, it was supposed to be a jail but it never was used as one. The town lets hikers use it as a hostel. Porter says it was was in the basement of a building and was loud and echoed. Must be fun to sleep in with a lot of people snoring...not.
  • 6/13/11: Delaware Water Gap, PA resupply, mile 1284.4 elevation 520. This is a big resupply for the team. Deva is getting a new backpack from Hyperlite and she is testing it for the company. Pace & Porter are getting new stuff sacks for their gear. Porter had to get another backpack and ordered one from Hyperlite. He's looking forward to testing it out. He is also on another pair of shoes. (He really needs to take better care of his shoes.)
Porter is on his 4th pair of shoes. Here are some pictures of the ones he threw away at Delaware Water Gap.
Porter's shoe pulling away from the sole.

Porter's shoe...looks like an old fashion hobo shoe to me.

This morning Burt was a trail angel and picked up the gang to start their day back on the trail. Thanks Burt for taking care of our hikers!

Deva, Burt, and Porter. Thanks for the ride!

Porter and Pace Appalachian Trail 6/13/11

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Happy Trails,

Ground Control a/k/a Dreamer


  1. Porter here. We will in NJ today on Shelley's B day Jume 14th.

    Happy Birthday Shelley from team DBI

  2. Happy Birthday Dreamer!! Let me know if you want to go for a drink later.

  3. Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'll have to pass on the birthday drink because I am in a jewelry class tonight....and heck, who actually invited me anyway? LOL

  4. It's a poker friend who like your dog Gracie. Enjoy your day-Birthday Dreamer...

  5. Wow, they are really moving along. And main 'oh man does PA look rocky. I'm sure that slowed the insane pace just a bit; no pun intended. :) I liked the story about their time with the B&B owner.

    Happy Birthday Dreamer! Thanks for the detailed blog updates...I've loved each and every one.

    Happy Trails to All!

    Mike G.

  6. Happy Birthday dreamer and thanks again for the great detailed updates of the hikers. Just great to be able to know just what is going on and how things are going. Hope all is well with you and all the best to the guys.

    Keep up the great coverage,

  7. Wow, it's hard to believe they are in NYS already! The students were amazed at their progress. Are they on schedule, or a bit ahead? The kids enjoyed the picture of the copperheads.
    Be safe Porter and Pace.
    Ms. Carreau

  8. Ms. Carreau, Porter and Pace have officially crossed into NYS yesterday. We stayed at Wildcat shelter and I was their trail angel this time.

    They are a bit ahead. They will actually be in Great Barrington, MA this coming Friday if all goes as planned. I can't believe they are finally in our back yard!

    Porter says "hello" to the class and hopes everyone enjoys their summer vacation. He hopes they will still follow along as he hikes.


  9. Pace,

    We missed you this weekend at the Bay! Your name was mentioned many times by myself and the rest of the staff.

    We are so excited for you and your journey, and love keeping up with you guys on this blog. We've got a bunch of good jokes waiting for you when you get home. Be safe and keep on truckin'!

    -M.E. (and the rest of your Silver Bay family)


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