Sunday, July 10, 2011

Two More States To Go

Porter and Pace have sailed through Vermont and are in New Hampshire now. 100 miles of the AT is also the Vermont Long Trail which Porter, Pace, and Dreamer hiked back in 2005.

Pace and Porter thank everyone for all their support and good wishes they have received from everyone throughout their journey.

They are doing great and still having fun. The trail is much more rugged in the last leg of their journey, but they have hopes to be done with the entire trail by the end of July.

They ROCK!!!

Pace, Porter, and Deva...strong and hearty hikers all.
I will be updating more this week.

Porter and Pace Appalachian Trail 7/10/11

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Happy Trails,

Ground Control, a/k/a Dreamer

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed you guys when you were in town! I'm sure you had a blast and a "few" pints. I had a couple for both of you when I was down on the Cape.

    Anyway, keep on trekking're doing awesome! At this point, I'll just catch up with you two when you return...crazy busy wedding filled summer for me.

    Keep up the good work on the posts Ground Control ever!

    Best to all,
    Mike G.


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